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                                                            Reading Recovery:  A First-Grade Reading Intervention

Reading Recovery is an early intervention program for first-grade students. Reading Recovery is a supplemental reading program. Reading Recovery teachers meet with first-grade students individually for thirty minutes daily.  

Students in the Reading Recovery program are taught to use strategies such as looking at the picture to get the meaning, thinking about what sounds right, and they are taught to think about what looks right.

Reading Recovery students are in the program for an average of 16-20 weeks. When they make the necessary progress as determined by the classroom teacher, the Reading Recovery teacher, and the Reading Recovery teacher leader, they are discontinued from the Reading Recovery program. The Reading Recovery students are expected to continue to make progress with the average reading group in the classroom.

Parents are essential to the success of the Reading Recovery program. Each evening the students bring home at least 3 books to read. Additionally, students bring home a cut-up sentence each evening and parents are asked to assist their children, if necessary, in putting the sentence back together and letting them read it.

The Reading Recovery program has proven to be successful with many first-grade students.

What happens in a Reading Recovery Lesson?