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Health Services

  • A group of six women stand in front of a banner for the Borger Independent School District.The Mission of the Health and Medical Services Department at BISD is to increase each student’s ability to learn by providing professional health and medical services to help enhance the well-being, academic success and lifelong achievement of the students entrusted to our care.

    Each campus has a full time registerd nurse and a counselor available to meet student and staff needs.  

    Welcome the BISD Medical Page

    Overview of the Department

    The Borger Independent School District Department of Health and Medical Services oversees the Health and Medical Services program for all students.  Professional Registered Nurses offer a thorough health appraisal process, along with preventive health services.  Services include health screenings (hearing, vision and scoliosis), anticipatory guidance, and communicable disease control measures.  They also set forth policies applicable to immunization laws, emergency care, referral, and follow-up for illness or injury at school.  In addition, we offer health care intervention for students with special health care needs, case management, and health promotion activities for students, staff, families, and community, and comprehensive health education resources.

  • Paul Belton Elementary School

    A woman stands in front of a banner featuring the Borger Independent School District logo, which includes a bulldog mascot and the year 1926.
    Heidi Pumphrey
    Gateway Elementary School


    A woman smiles in front of a banner featuring the Borger Independent School District logo, which includes a bulldog and the year 1926.
    Maribel Calder, RN/BSN
    Crockett Elementary School


    A young woman smiles in front of a red and white banner with the words 'Borger Independent School District' and a large 'R' with a bulldog mascot.
    Blaze West


    A woman stands in front of a red banner with the Borger Independent School District logo, featuring a bulldog and the year 1926.
    Laura Kuehler
    Borger High School


  • School Health Advisory Council 

    SHAC Members 2023-24

    SHAC Meetings 2023-2024

    March 22

    May 3

    All meetings will be at 2:00 pm in the BIMS Library. 

    SHAC Minutes 

    SHAC Statement for Public Inspection
    School Board Policy on SHAC

    SHAC Wellness Plan
    Texas SHAC Information
    Wellness Policy Assessment 2021

  • Coronavirus: What you need to know

    Coronavirus updates

    CDC Website

    Borger ISD is actively monitoring developments and information related to the coronavirus (COVID-19).  Our priority is the safety of our students and staff. Our Maintenance/Custodial Dept. is being proactive by  using specialized sanitizer in bathrooms, classrooms, weight rooms and buses.  All custodial staff also have specialized disposable sanitizer wipes.  These are used in classrooms as well as computer labs daily.

    We have also encouraged our students and staff to ensure proper handwashing techniques by washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.

    We are advising parents that if their student is sick, to please notify your child’s school and keep them at home until fever free for at least 24 hours without medication.

    Borger ISD is following the (CDC) Center for Disease Control and Prevention  everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:

    • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
    • Stay home when you are sick.
    • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
    • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
    • Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • Incoming 7th Graders Don't forget to update your immunizations before the upcoming school year​​​​​​​


    Required Immunizations for 7th Grade

    Dear Parent/Guardian:

    This information is to get you and your child ready for the upcoming school year. As part of the State of Texas vaccine requirements, all students entering the 7th grade, must receive the following vaccines or provide an exemption form:

    Varicella Vaccine­­: Must have a total of two. First dose has to be on or after your child’s first birthday or have had the Chicken Pox Disease with documentation.

    Tetanus, Diptheria and Accelular Pertussis­ containing Vaccine (Tdap): ­­ Must have a booster dose of Tdap if it has been five years since their last dose.

    Meningococcal Vaccine:  Must have one dose of this vaccine.

    According to the State of Texas, no student will be allowed to attend school without up­dated immunizations. Students will not be allowed to receive their class schedules for the upcoming school year until all immunization requirements are met.

    These immunizations are available at your doctor’s office and several other locations in our community. Please speak to the middle school nurse if you need help finding a place to get vaccinated!!

    It is not too early to get your child vaccinated for the next school year. Please do not wait until time for school to start as the vaccine supply may be low. A note from your doctor saying they are out of one of the needed vaccines will not be accepted. The only time a doctor’s note will be accepted is if there is a state­wide shortage of the vaccine. The State of Texas will notify the school if this happens. Please bring a copy of your child’s shot record to school, when they receive their vaccinations, so the school records can be updated.